Connecting Beyond Words

Studio Art Therapy & Integrative Psychotherapy

Change happens here

Welcome. Here at Chicago Art Therapy Collective we believe that all people are creative and can find mental balance, emotional healing, and personal meaning through connecting with their creative process within a supportive environment. We offer evidence-based psychotherapy and expressive art therapy services specializing in the treatment of anxiety, ADHD, neurodiversity, depression, grief, complex trauma, integrating personal and professional identity, and managing challenging life transitions.

Our collective of experienced art therapists and counselors provide clients with tangible options to enter the creative space between safety and exploration where real change happens. Our integrative psychotherapy services promote the healing integration of the mind and body through studio art therapy, EMDR, animal-assisted therapy, and somatic therapy. The compassionate therapeutic relationship provides a safe container and a trusting ally in the process of deepening self-acceptance and developing fresh, effective strategies to adapt to a wide variety of both external and internal stressors.

Our Treatment Focus

Individual Counseling

We offer holistic one-on-one counseling for people of all ages and backgrounds, with a focus on the treatment of young adults. Working individually with a compassionate therapist offers maximum confidentiality and the focused space for collaboratively building and experiencing a fully individualized approach to therapy that promotes wellness in all areas of life – cognitive, physical, emotional, social, and creative.


Dialectical Behavioral Therapy

Dialectical Behavioral Therapy (DBT) is a scientifically-verified form of cognitive therapy that combines Eastern and Western thought traditions to provide positive and healthy mechanisms for handling painful emotions. Using the DBT framework, clients are taught how to use dialectical thinking to promote mindfulness, successfully tolerate distress, recognize and regulate a wide range of emotions, and effectively communicate and function in relationships.

Art Therapy

Art therapy is a modality grounded in the knowledge that we understand ourselves and our environments through active engagement with the sensory world. Art therapy offers clients unique opportunities to deepen their awareness of their internal experiences, enhance the brain-body connection, and identify and address hidden or subconscious issues that may not reveal themselves through traditional forms of talk therapy.


Workshops and Groups

Groups at Chicago Art Therapy Collective help to build community and raise critical consciousness of the therapeutic value of art making. We provide group opportunities to enhance social support and practice healthy self-expression within an inclusive and supportive art studio environment. We create client-focused community art exhibitions, and collaboratively form relationships with partnering organizations to facilitate community art therapy with diverse client populations. ​

EMDR Therapy

Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing Therapy (EMDR) is a powerful evidence-based therapeutic method for treating the full range of symptoms stemming from unresolved trauma. EMDR uses targeted clinical protocols to safely assist clients in accessing and processing traumatic memories. Using this approach clients develop adaptive cognitive connections, a healthy sense of self, and freedom from painful trauma triggers.


Somatic Therapy

We believe that emotional and psychological healing are supported by strengthening our connections to our bodies and the natural world. We integrate guided meditation, yoga practices, grounding imagery, and therapeutic animal-assisted interventions to help clients process their emotional and physical experiences in real time, gain perspective, quiet the mind, enter a creative “flow” state, and promote overall brain and nervous system health and restoration.

Meet the Collective